Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Social Net'g

The benefits of forming a community are endless. The human race depends on the interaction and connection with others to grow, develop, and love one another. The internet has expanded this love and connection, and has absolutely increased the overall education of the world.  Of course, the new connections provided by the internet also create dangers, just as any new technology has. Security breaches and cyber bullying are just a few of the dangers the internet has created/enhanced. The work force has also become more competitive with the internet because of the instant search engines employers are given when searching for new talent. According to Frank Langfitt with NPR, employers' searches are easier than ever with the simple click of a button to access thousands of potential candidates as well as the social engagement of said candidates. The Atlantic Wire highlights the privacy issues many face with an article showing the vulnerability even the Zuckerbergs face n maintaining the privacy of their family life.

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